World Press Photo winners announced

World Press Photo has announced the winners for the 2010 contest. The main prize goes to the Italian photographer Pietro Masturzo for a single from his series entitled From the Roofs of Tehran.

"The picture depicts women shouting in protest from a rooftop in Tehran on 24 June. The winning photograph is part of a story of the nights following the contested presidential elections in Iran, when people shouted their dissent from roofs and balconies, after daytime protests in the streets. The story as a whole was awarded first prize in the category People in the News."

Other favorite series include Marco Vernaschi's photos from Guinea Bissau, Tommaso Ausili's images from a slaughterhouse in Italy, Pieter Ten Hoopen's series on Hungry Horse, Montana, and Fang Qianhua's photos of contaminated oranges in China. All of the winning images can be viewed in the online gallery.