The morning arrives before I'm ready for it. At 5:30am, Elena wakes and starts singing to the darkness. La la la. We've deciphered that it is her interpretation of Row Row Row Your Boat and I don't think I've heard a voice quite as beautiful. It makes the early hour easier to bear and we roll out of bed to whip up breakfast for our hungry little girl. Scrambled eggs and toast. Steel cut oats with maple syrup. Crêpes with jam. Hearty and filling.
But yogurt is my ideal second breakfast. Or late morning snack, if you will. I like to think of it as a blank canvas on which I can create a delicious meal according to my whims and the contents of my fridge. In the spring and early summer, it's usually fresh berries and honey. As late summer approaches, stone fruit takes over and then in the winter it's all about cranberries.
Most recipes call for a lot of sugar to counter the tartness of the berries, but I've found that a dose of agave syrup does just the trick. You can always add a bit of honey later to increase the sweetness if desired.
16 ounces fresh cranberries
1 cup apple cider
1/3 cup agave syrup
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Bring the apple cider and agave syrup to a simmer in a medium pot. Add the cranberries, stirring occasionally until they begin to pop. Simmer until the cranberries has softened. Remove from heat, stir in the nutmeg and let cool, blend if desired. Serve over plain Greek yogurt with your choice of toppings, such as granola, pepitas, and psyllium. Enjoy!