Soccer City Stadium: Germany versus Ghana

Second best to working with the amazing journalists of Twenty Ten here in Johannesburg has been watching the Germany vs. Ghana match last night at Soccer City Stadium. After nearly one week in South Africa, it was my first World Cup match. And what a match it was. A happy ending for Germany, who won the match, and also Ghana, who advanced with Germany to the next round as second in their group.

Fans from both sides were ecstatic with the end result.

Vintage Stamps for World Cup Countries

My life the last week has revolved almost entirely around football and the World Cup. Posting photos and stories from South Africa on Twenty Ten, arranging the last-minute details for my flight to Johannesburg on Saturday morning and watching as many matches as I can handle. I enjoyed this artistic approach to the World Cup fever by Karen Horten. She gathered together vintage stamps from the countries: "Most of the postage stamps below are from between 1900 through the mid-1930s, with a few as recent as the early 1970s."

These are some of my favorites, but there are lots more here (via constantwanderlust: dailydesigndiscoveries)

The Countdown Begins

Just one week left until the 2010 World Cup kicks off in South Africa. I'll be heading to Johannesburg during part of the championships (yea!) to work with the journalists from Twenty Ten, who will be providing a uniquely African view of the event with multimedia productions, articles, radio broadcasts and lots of beautiful photography.

The above image is from a photo series by the South African photographer Simone Scholtz called Transformations, which captures the evolution of Black Stars fans from average Ghanaians to painted supporters ready to cheer their team on.