The Cotswolds, part I

After leaving Bath, we headed one hour north to The Cotswolds, an area filled with rolling hills, stone cottages, and green meadows. We rented a yurt in a field owned by an organic farm to be in the midst of nature. Our days began with the sight of cows grazing on the fog-covered hills and ended around a campfire with the last bits of sunlight streaming through the trees.

We hiked through fields, spotted a fox, climbed over stone walls, cooked dinner on the campfire, and enjoyed the pubs and farmers' market in Cirencester. And we discovered the Budding Pale Ale made by the organic Stroud Brewery, one of the best drinks we've come across yet.

farm in the city

A few weeks ago, I discovered that a small children's farm (kinderboederij) in my neighborhood accepts donated vegetable and fruit scraps for the animals. Living in an apartment in the middle of Amsterdam doesn't leave much opportunity for gardening and definitely doesn't allow for a compost pile. At the farm, they keep goats, incredibly large hogs, rabbits, gerbils, two calves, chickens, a cat, and more. I'm so happy to be able to donate the leftovers to these cute city animals instead of throwing them away.