Herding Reindeer in Sweden

One image from a series of photographs by David Bacher taken of Sami villagers herding reindeer in Kiruna, Sweden. Bacher describes the photos:

“Several times a year, reindeer are brought together in corrals for various reasons. During the winter, Sami villagers separate their reindeer families from the large herd. The work is intense, often lasting several days in sub-zero temperatures. These photos reflect the dream-like atmosphere that appears around two pm under a mixture of ambient and artificial light. I work with a wide angle lens in order to bring the viewer into the coral and close to the animals. The images are partially blurred intentionally, using a slow shutter speed, to show the frantic movements of the reindeer. The colors are natural, untouched by digital manipulation, presenting the viewer with images that may be seen as paintings.”

(via Verve Photo)