sunrise in Baja

Our two-week holiday in Mexico at the beginning of November didn't turn out quite like we planned. When people ask about our time south of the border, inevitably the focus shifts to Marcus' windsurfing accident, booking an early flight home, and the tale of a two-week holiday cut in half.

But I choose to remember the sunrises.

I am an early riser. I enjoy waking up with the maximum amount of the day stretched out before me. However, that doesn't mean I am a morning person. I get up early so that I can take my time preparing for the day, to be quiet before facing the noise of the world. Rushing outside a few minutes after opening my eyes is not part of that routine.

The sunrises in Baja Sur changed that, at least for a week. I would wake and see a golden glow leaking through the edges of the curtains that I couldn't simply ignore. When I pulled back the curtain, I was met with the most glorious sunrise. I would nudge Marcus and then bolt out the door, camera in hand. Wild-eyed and half-dressed, completely inappropriate to the world outside, but I didn't care.

We had seven days to catch the sunrise. Some were more breathtaking than others. And someday, we'll get more when we return to climb the Sierra de la Laguna and witness the sunrise from the top of a mountain.

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Palmas de Cortez

infinity pool

boats on the water at sunrise