Weekend Links #32

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed over the last week: 1. Watching the beautiful dance performance in Vanitas directed by Barnaby Roper (pictured above) 2. Listening to a new tune from Blitzen Trapper (via Micha) 3. Reading international praise for Amsterdam Noord 4. Watching a time lapse of The New York Times front page for almost a year (via TOM) 5. Seeing the trailer for One Day on Earth, a film project capturing the human experience on our planet in all its diversity (embedded below) 6. Adding to my list of where to go and what to eat in my upcoming trip to Istanbul

[vimeo vimeo.com/26378195 w=500&h=400]

Weekend Links #30

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed last week: 1. Seeing a performance of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises as part of the Holland Festival (pictured above, photo by Mark Barton) 2. Watching this impressive time-lapse video 3. Watching Conan O'Brien's commencement speech delivered at Dartmouth 4. Renewing my admiration for the canine species with this Fresh Air interview and these photos 5. Getting a glimpse at Platon's portraiture work, which has come together in the publication of his book Power. Browse the collection of photos on The New Yorker and watch him speak about the project here (pictured below)

Weekend Links #29

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed last week: 1. Listening to Bon Iver's new album. A thousand times over. 2. Getting a peek at Kinfolk Magazine, a concept of community near to my heart, featuring many great artists (pictured above) 3. Watching a disturbing Frontline report on for-profit schools and the 'fast foodization of education in America" 4. Appreciating, yet again, the work of German photographer Michael Wolf 5. Watching this beautiful time lapse of the Greenland landscape (pictured below) 6. Saving this recipe for cold-brew coffee for when it's a few degrees warmer

Weekend Links #21

Well, it's Thursday, not quite the weekend anymore, but I wanted to send out the weekend links I put together for my faithful readers. New and exciting projects at work have scrambled my familiar schedule and I'm still figuring out how to stay on top of my personal projects. Hope those of you in the northern hemisphere are also enjoying the first signs of spring!

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed last week: 1. Listening to an evening of The Decemberists at Paradiso. Just the bit of Pacific NW that I needed (pictured above via) 2. Stretching my writing muscles in a weekend workshop 3. Watching La Flâneur, a time-lapse video by Luke Shepard made up of 2000 photos of Paris 4. Reading the article The power of lonely (via something changed) 5. Reading The Elements of Content Strategy from A Book Apart. Nerdy work stuff that I can't wait to dive into 6. Receiving a note from a friend that reminded me of the importance of public broadcasting. To support NPR and PBS, sign this petition 7. Viewing amazing productions during a new multimedia contest (Blanco by Stefano De Luigi pictured below)