a walk on the beach in Barcelona

A posting from Portland where it is just like summer should be.

After our holiday in east Germany, we returned to Amsterdam on a Sunday afternoon and I promptly left for Barcelona on a work trip the next morning. It was a bit of a whirlwind and I was sick, but the sun is therapeutic, isn't it? A few hours before my return flight, I lounged by the pool, working and eating fresh watermelon. But the best part was probably my morning walk on the beach.

I stayed at Vincci Bit, which was close to the neighborhood I needed to work in and a convenient ten-minute walk from the beach. On my second day there, I woke early and headed out to feel the sand between my toes. Just me, a few elderly people, and several dedicated surfers populated the beach. A quiet walk to the sound of lapping waves.

street art in Barcelona

A few years ago, a random chain of events led to me standing in front of a group of German students answering questions about 'America'. One student asked if there was much graffiti in the States. Unless you live in a city, the answer is not really. Outside of the cities, instead of being seen as an art form, it falls into more of the 'act of vandalism' category. Living in Europe for the past years, I have become a fan of street art that is part of the city. Rather than defacing a structure, it enhances it.

When I had the chance to go to Barcelona for a few days, I knew I would be on the lookout for some of the street art for which the city is famous. While I didn't have enough time to seek out great works, I did happen to come across these interesting pieces in the neighborhood of my hotel.

photo echo

I've been following the photography of the two sisters behind Photo Echo for a while now. The concept is the 'call and response' of an image taken by Kelly and Erin each in their own location: one in Portland, Oregon and one in La Rioja, Spain.

Beautiful, simple and I always get a touch of home in the images from Oregon. This is probably my favorite photo diptych so far, the image on the right of a sign bearing my family name in front of an old stone wall. And the image on the left showing signs in an Oregon forest, one pointing towards the library, the other pointing towards the trail (perfect!).

A Weekend Away

Feeling an itch to get away for a weekend. The only remaining question: where to go? Floating through my head are ideas of France, Italy, Spain, and Ireland. Paris is only a train ride away, the other locations probably require a short flight. Just a chance to walk over some unfamiliar cobblestones and breathe in the air of another city.

(Above: Image of Venice from here. Below: Image of Paris from here. Image of Madrid from here. Image of Dublin from here.)