street art in Barcelona

A few years ago, a random chain of events led to me standing in front of a group of German students answering questions about 'America'. One student asked if there was much graffiti in the States. Unless you live in a city, the answer is not really. Outside of the cities, instead of being seen as an art form, it falls into more of the 'act of vandalism' category. Living in Europe for the past years, I have become a fan of street art that is part of the city. Rather than defacing a structure, it enhances it.

When I had the chance to go to Barcelona for a few days, I knew I would be on the lookout for some of the street art for which the city is famous. While I didn't have enough time to seek out great works, I did happen to come across these interesting pieces in the neighborhood of my hotel.

weekend links #44

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed over the last week: 1. Watching this video about translucent tape art in Amsterdam 2. Preparing menus for Thanksgiving and Christmas with inspiration from Sweet Paul (pictured above) 3. Feeling a bit cozier after spotting these socks and this sweater 4. Viewing this infographic comparing education with incarceration in the US 5. Being awed by 2,000 suspended dandelions by Swiss artist Regine Ramseier (pictured below, via colossal) 6. Seeing images of foraging for truffles in Umbria 7. Eating a meal at Proef with Liz, Jenn, Lauren, and Ellen 8. Finding the new digital magazine Contents, with insights about my field of work

Weekend Links #39

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed over the last week: 1. Spotting a photo of this beautiful work of street art by Remed (via unurth) 2. Buying tickets to see First Aid Kit on 8 December in Amsterdam 3. Planning a short jaunt over to Copenhagen next week 4. Seeing an infographic which visualizes American ancestry, which is largely German (via curiosity counts) 5. Watching Ed van der Elsken's short films of Amsterdam in the '80s (via @Ellenbokkinga)

Viva la Kunst

Seoul As I prepare to head to Berlin on Wednesday, I thought I would resurrect one of my great life mysteries. While I was living in Seoul, I spent a lot of time in Hongdae, an artsy neighborhood in the north with some of the best graffiti in the city. I spotted the above work one day, thought it was interesting, and snapped a photo.

Two years later, while in Berlin, I saw the exact same work in Kreuzberg. I did a double take then and there. When I returned to Amsterdam, I tried to find out who was behind the graffiti, but without luck. Deciding, a few more years later, to make one more attempt, I came across this Gridskipper article today discussing the street art in Berlin. Last on the list of prominent Berlin graffiti artists was SP38 and an almost identical image. Mystery solved!

He's apparently French born, living in Berlin, and has apparently been in Seoul at least once. Although his website is down, you can see more of his work on Flickr. See you in a few days Berlin!