snow days

After almost two weeks with temperatures below freezing, the warm will return next week, thawing the canals and melting away the last drifts of snow. The wintery weather has hit Europe and North Africa (!) hard. In Amsterdam, the frozen canals have everyone bringing out their skates and throwing parties on the ice. Although I conquered my fear of biking on the snow and ice several years ago, I spent the first few days of freeze walking around the city in my trusty Oregon hiking boots, enjoying the quiet of the city and the crunch of the snow beneath my feet.

Weekend Links #15

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed this week: 1. Seeing the quiet captured in the photographs of Joseph O. Holmes (pictured above, via paper tastebuds) 2. Wishing I were in New York to attend the opening of the exhibition of the work photographer Autumn de Wilde made for The Decemberists (pictured below, via The Impossible Project) 3. Browsing through the lookbook of nümph, a danish fashion label (via blackwhiteyellow) 4. Reading an article about the science behind bacon's power to seduce vegetarians. Makes perfect sense, but I will still resist. 5. Reconfirming that De Nieuwe Anita is one of my favorite places in Amsterdam

Weekend Links #8

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things that I have enjoyed, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed this week: 1. Spending time in Berlin. It never grows old. 2. Listening to the serene music of Breathe Owl Breathe discovered via NPR (pictured above) 3. Loving the photos of snow on Boston's Big Picture 4. Finishing (almost) the last Christmas shopping thanks to Etsy and Creature Comfort's gift guide (pictured below) 5. Looking forward to the Funky Christmas Market at Westergasfabriek today

Berlin Again

The previous week took me to Berlin, the last of many trips to Germany this year. The official count for 2010 is certainly over ten, with at least half in the capital, but the latest visit was the first for work. Spending the week interviewing photographers while working with a German company was a new perspective on life in a city that usually constitutes friends and fun for me. I was also able to witness the first snowfall of the year. And it kept falling.


The beautiful multimedia production Snowbound by Lisa Robinson (for Fotofest) begins with the sound of crunching snow. As we stand now in the thick of summer, humid and cloudy here in Amsterdam, I loved this peek into the quiet season  of winter.

For five long winters, Lisa M. Robinson photographed in snow from New York to Colorado. The resulting color photographs become almost monochromatic in the snow and ice, distilled to their essential parts not unlike the deepest states of meditation.

While on the surface, these images seem to have captured moments in time, there is an implied suggestion of time passage and life cycles. Within the heart of a spare winter, other seasons emerge. These scenes suggest, upon contemplation, the temporal nature of all things. In the midst of seeming emptiness, layers of life and contrast slowly emerge.

(via mediastorm)