The Land Between Here and Mountains, a photography blog with images that capture the journey between here and there. Above: between a cloud covered sky and a snow covered street (dave geeting). Below: between having nothing to do and getting sort of lost in the woods (joshua whitelaw)
I Heart Oregon
I'm enjoying an afternoon of complete laziness and taking the chance to catch up on my favorite blogs. Bless Google Reader for not counting the number of unread posts after 1000 (just indicating '1000+'). I have seen a million things that I want to reblog, but this print from Amy Ruppel topped the chart. I have a small craving for the Oregon springtime, although I'm not likely to fly in again until late autumn. I will content myself here in Amsterdam with some trips to Berlin, escapades around Holland and a trip to South Africa in June. Sprinkled with several visits from my siblings, that should be sufficient (via unruly things).