in Copenhagen

A short trip north to Copenhagen last week took me to Denmark for my first time. One day for work, then another day for pleasure. On Thursday, meetings and a business dinner gave me a chance to see the neighborhoods of Frederieksberg and Vesterbro. On Friday, I headed towards Nyhavn and the row of colorful houses on the water. Here, a few sights along the route.

A walk up the Rundetaarn (round tower) led to a view over the city.

'In the house that stood here until 1908 lived Søren Kierkegaard, from his birth on 5 May 1813 until 27 April 1848.'

The statue of Absalon.

Agnete and the Merman, an underwater sculpture.

Pumpkins in a row.

Please note the beautifully carved seat and handlebars.

City trips often make me compare the city I am visiting with other cities I know. Copenhagen is often described as similar to Amsterdam and in many ways that comparison holds true. Bicycles, water, flat land, Northern, and cold weather. Yet the differences, which were many, caught my interest. Two days was just enough to catch a scent of Denmark.

Weekend Links #39

Weekend Links is a collection of the interesting bits and pieces that I’ve come across on the streets and online. The weekly post is my chance to share with you a few things from the week, in a list compiled during the weekend. I hope you enjoy them as well.

A few things I enjoyed over the last week: 1. Spotting a photo of this beautiful work of street art by Remed (via unurth) 2. Buying tickets to see First Aid Kit on 8 December in Amsterdam 3. Planning a short jaunt over to Copenhagen next week 4. Seeing an infographic which visualizes American ancestry, which is largely German (via curiosity counts) 5. Watching Ed van der Elsken's short films of Amsterdam in the '80s (via @Ellenbokkinga)